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Passionate About Inspiring Others

Born and raised in Mexico City. As a teen ager my dreams of going to College in the United States and study in Europe were shattered when my parents got divorced. I had to make a pause on my studies to start working to pay my French language courses. After obtaining my diploma, I was ready to go to France to take an advanced course and see the world.


How to do it, if I had to work and study, many objectives and so little money. I looked for institutes, made a budget and showed it to my father, “Stop dreaming” he said “I am sorry, but I don’t have the means to pay your trip” it was sad, but that didn’t stop me from trying, not a single minute. Four years of efforts, studies and work later, the opportunity appeared, and I embraced it. I did not stop dreaming, I made what seemed impossible happen.


Not only did I make it to France, but I stayed in Europe, walked the streets of Barcelona looking for a job, managed to get my European Nationality by my own means, later getting back on the corporate sector working for a CAC 40 company and other multinational firms. Restarted from zero again in Madrid and the journey continues… with the certainty that I will never stop dreaming.

  • Global Mobility Specialist, World Wide ERC.

  • Certified Professional Coach, World Coach Inst.

  • Studies on International Business.

  • LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, Spanish, French.

  • Empathetic, compassionate yet firm.

  • Happy and committed to listen and create impactful positive changes.

  • Fifteen years of Corporate experience, four in Public Administration.

  • Four years of experience on planned relocation.

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