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  • Writer's pictureYaneth

Starting life in a new country

Updated: Nov 16, 2018

Photo by Yaneth
Photo by: Yaneth, Portland, OR

Azka is from Pakistan. She is a very smart, beautiful young software engineer. She is an expatriated woman who followed her husband to the United States. It will be one year before she can start working. She brought me a plate of food, because according to her: “Neighbors are very important.” She told me that she felt homesick. I know that feeling! And you, the reader, might know that feeling as well.

I asked her “what does your perfect day look like?” and many other questions, to get more information from her to give the most correct and useful information possible. This habit comes from my mother. She is one of the most loving and generous people I have ever known, and I carry that part of her within myself. So, I am a mixture of my mother and character Amélie Poulain.

I asked her if she practiced a sport and invited her to come to the gym with me. I took her shopping for yoga pants and then went to the gym together. When I saw the big smile on her face, it felt like the sun was shining on me. I knew I had succeeded!

This is something that does not always work the way you plan. In the world we live in today, nothing in life is free. There are times when I have offered personal help to people, and it is accepted in a happy but cautious way, others have just not accepted it. Yes, we all work for a living, but for some of us, our work is our passion and retribution does not always need to be monetary.

Azka and I have shared our views and shared our laughter. I have given her tips and advice. I have listened to her tell me about her customs, experiences, and beliefs, and have been inspired to share this story with you.

You might be surprised at the number of times I thought I was helping someone, when in the end I was truly the one being helped.

It is sure that starting a life in a new country is not always easy, no matter how smart or independent you are, sometimes even getting out of the house is a hard task; this is why I like helping others through the process by sharing some tips on how I do it when I start life in a new country.

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