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  • Writer's pictureYaneth


For people living outside their country , the feeling of isolation and distance is a known thing.

But then, what happens if in your new city or host country you also need to be isolated, keep physical distance and you can not travel to see your relatives when you want.

This is our current situation and living it away from your hometown can be even more challenging.

Here are some suggestions to go through it better:

GET GROUNDED Take this time for introspection. Revisit your values and priorities.

SET UP A ROUTINE When is your time for work, when is your time for healthy meals, when is time for you and/or your family? try to go to bed at the same time each night.

GET WELL RESTED It is needed for your health and well being. Create the appropriate environment in your bedroom.

COMMUNICATION AND CONNECTION Stay in touch with family, friends and other expats through Skype, Zoom and other resources.

STAY FIT There are many fitness channels on you-tube and some gyms are offering sessions online. Stretch, meditate, try to eat healthy meals, stay hydrated.

FOCUS ON OPPORTUNITY INSTEAD OF THE DISRUPTION If you have extra time it is a great opportunity to study or improve the local language or get a new skill

SHARE: buy cans of food and donate to churches, associations.

You need to talk… contact me: I will be offering coaching sessions on line at no cost. Let's make the positive synergy more contagious than anything!

Take a deep breath and know… it is normal to feel even more vulnerable, overwhelmed, bored or afraid, you are not the only one.

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