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"I have been working with Yaneth for over a month as my personal coach and I have noticed some changes in that short time.

First of all,  Yaneth helped me to think positively and have self-confidence and those 2 factors have changed my life, I got a very good new client, I got an important deal for my company I gave a conference about a new topic and I did it perfectly. Before my sessions with Yaneth,  I felt trapped in my professional career, now I feel I am flowing to success, I wouldn't have done it without her."  


LIZET ESQUIVEL, International Fashion PR  consultant and Editor in

"Yaneth is a very good listener. She helped me greatly during our session together. I had a realization of a personal awareness that I otherwise would not have had. This made a big difference in my personal life. I appreciate her skills as a Life Coach and look forward to talking with her again."

LISA C. Oregon, USA

"Yaneth was very helpful on my moving process in Madrid. She has exceptional communication skills both English and Spanish and is highly motivated. She found a good location for Housing, took care of cleaning services and other important details. She helped me solve issues during repatriation Process."

MOHD F. SIDDIQUI, Senior Planning Engineer, Wood-Foster Wheeler

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